Design-Driven Solutions for your Business

Be amazed how quickly you can transform your business technologies.

CloudPrisma solutions highlights a common framework as below

Data Quality

Create “value” for your untapped data, “insights” from your structured & unstructured data, streaming or real time using ingestion & cleansing techniques.

Analytics & Cognitive

Create competitive advantage & new possibilities across functions and enrich stakeholder value with an ROI or cost advantage.

Cloud for Digital

Leverage new technologies and possibilities, to efficiently & cost effectively create compute and storage to achieve Digital Transformation.

Stretch the Boundaries

The plethora of devices available in the market creates an opportunities for organizations to look at stretching the boundaries with across industry IOT framework.

Industry Focus

Digital Technology with Industry focus sharpens and broadens the transformation journey of any organization. CloudPrisma solutions, while cross industry in nature, we have leverage our domain knowledge in specific industries to create solutions with a greater impact of transformation. Whether it is a –