Automated Data Fusion & Management Solution for Law Enforcement Agencies

The Indian Crime Rate is fast growing with the number of new cases far out pacing the number of cases solved. In the present world being technology driven, in the case of law enforcement agencies, the increase use of automated tools becomes critical. Considering the volume of data and the man hours require to track & trace data related to the crime, timely and accurately becomes a big challenge resulting in delays and increased number of unsolved data. Also, at times, with multiple sources of data from multiple devices, it becomes critical to establish relationship and through insight into the multiple data sets that can be critical in solving problems.

Some of the commonly used digital sources of data today –

  1. Call Data Records of mobile numbers providing by Telecom companies
  2. No. of active mobile no. at a crime scene at the time of crime, details provided by Telecom companies
  3. Seized Mobile Devices dump
  4. Seized Laptop/Desktop with different OS
  5. CCTV camera feeds
  6. Drone feeds
  7. GPS Devices feeds
  8. Social Media sites
  9. IOT devices and more

All labs have different products and solutions from various OEM and everyone use a proprietary report format and store data in a different style for all the above devices. Bringing different propriety formats of information into a common repository is a big challenge for Law Enforcement agencies.

CloudPrisma brings a unique solution for the Law Enforcement Agencies to not only create a unified report from all the common sources of the above given devices, but also its experts use algorithms to bring Insights into the crime by finding known/ unknown patterns and correlation ships between the different data sets.

CloudPrisma consolidates all the data sources to create a robust and scalable architecture capable of ingesting, storing, and visualizing multiple petabytes of cyber data. Its distributed data structures and streaming ingest capabilities provide storage and retrieval rates in the millions of records per second. So you can potentially a combine a Mobile tracking system & an individual’s photograph with a CCTV live stream to spot the location of an individual.

The primary tools that police have when investigating crimes are interviews or interrogations and collecting physical evidence. They then use the information that they have collected to piece together a possible scenario as to what happened that the collected evidence will support.

Law Enforcement Current Setup

The Labs of Law Enforcement agencies use various third party tools to extract data from Devices and external sources like Social Media.

CloudPrisma Proposed Solution
  • Data Ingestion - data here is prioritized and categorized which makes data flow smoothly in further layers in a common format.
  • Data Query Layer - Active analytics processing with primary focus to gather data value so that they are more useful to the next layer. Some of the Tools used are Distributed SQL Query for Big Data (eg. Presto, MY SQL, Appache Spark, MS SQL DB2 etc)
  • Data Visualization Layer - Presenting the data to make it “Valuable” and “Insightful”. Tools used Tableau, Cognos, Power BI etc.

Benefits to Law Enforcement Agencies:

  • Consolidate data from different sources into a single repository for further analysis
  • Possibility of capturing data from Live Streams like CCTV, Drones etc. for investigative or predictive alerts
  • Speed of Mining the data for useful information considering the volume
  • Establishing correlation between different data sets
  • Establishing linkages and identifying people, events and messages using non text data like Video and Audio
  • Establishing linkages and correlation with Historic data
  • Alerts for decision making on a proactive basis for Crime Prevention
  • Faster and more flexible reporting as per the department
  • Increasing storing data quality – Archiving and Retrieval
  • Phone call/mobile call, social media with black listed words (BOMB, MURDER, BLUST, RAPE…)
CloudPrisma helps streamline criminal investigation and generates actionable Insights.

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